


(All the videos are in English)

Core Strength (intermediate)

All about the core here. We are getting stronger by targeting the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles while moving with awareness through the poses.

Deep & Restorative Hip Class (all levels)

Your nervous system will thank me after this class. We are taking it slowly and going deep into the hips in every direction. A beautiful way to calm your mind and find some ease in your body.

Handstand (intermediate)

A thoughtful practice that will lead us to handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana). A wall is needed for this practice.

Hip Work (intermediate)

A perfect combination between hip strength and stretch!

Back Strength (all levels)

A hard one but amazing work for strengthening the back which we all need more of. Enjoy your practice!

Shoulder Focus (all levels)

A good balance between shoulder strength and stretch in this class.